
  1. Problem Set 2

    Due Friday, February 22, at 5pm Central time.

    As before, please turn in your answers in a single notebook. For the questions that require you to write down prose, hopefully by now you've realized that you can change the type of a notebook cell to "markdown" to write regular text …

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  2. Problem Set 3

    Due Friday, March 29, at 5pm Central time.

    As before, please turn in your answers in a single notebook, emailed to Diana Dewalle.

    Problem 1 (55 Points): Legislative Discrimination

    Go onto google scholar and find Daniel M. Butler & David E. Broockman, "Do Politicians Racially Discriminate Against Constituents? A Field Experiment …

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  3. Last Problem Set! (Pset 4)

    Due Thursday, May 9, at 5pm Central time. This is an absolutely firm deadline, as it is the last day of the exam period.

    As before, please turn in your answers in a single notebook, emailed to Diana Dewalle.

    "Problem" (not really a problem) 1: Help Next Year's Students (15 …

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  4. Makeup Assignment: Research Design

    In lieu of the makeup session for the class we missed---which, it turns out, conflicts with every schedule under the sun---please complete the following short assignment. This assignment will be graded on a pass-fail basis, based on effort (moderate effort, not extreme effort---I don't want this to take more than …

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  5. Problem Set 1, Spring 2020

    This problem set is worth 17.5% of the grade in this course. It is due on Friday, February 7, at 5pm, via email to Diana Dewalle. It has four short questions, each of which is worth 25 points.

    How to turn in this problem set: each of the problems …

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  6. Problem Set 2, Spring 2020

    This problem set is worth 17.5% of the grade in this course. It is due on Friday, March 6, at 5pm, via email to Diana Dewalle.

    How to turn in this problem set: As before, please turn in all your code, and, if you have any prose to write …

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  7. Problem Set 1: Answers and Explanations

    Problem 1: Your First Class

    Write a class, called Citation, which takes the following required parameters: first_page (an integer), last_page (an integer), reporter (a string), and year (an integer), as well as the optional parameter name (a string). That class should have the method cite() which will print out a citation to the case, using all of the information it has.

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  8. Problem Set 2: Answers and Explanations

    Problem 1: Fun with APIs, continued (30 points)

    Remember problem 3 from the previous pset? I'd like you to go back and use the Caselaw Access Project API again, only, this time, I'd like you to plot line charts of the following two time series, on the same chart:

    • The total number of the uses of the words "pork," "pig," "pigs," "hog," or "hogs" in the Iowa state courts within the CAP dataset, and

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  9. Problem Set 3, Spring 2020

    This problem set is worth 25% of the grade in this course. It is due on Friday, April 3, at 5pm, via email to Diana Dewalle.

    How to turn in this problem set: As before, please turn in all your code, and, if you have any prose to write, your …

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